Ipswich RC Nutz Remote Controlled Car Club

Ipswich RC Nutz Remote Controlled Car Club

Development Plan
The RC Nutz Remote Controlled Car Club was established to formalise and investigate opportunities to develop a dedicated remote controlled car facility in Ipswich.

ROSS Planning was contracted to produce a club development plan which would articulate a vision, provide an action strategy and a way forward for the club to realise its dream. ROSS Planning also developed a concept plan for the proposed remote controlled car facility. This project was jointly managed by the club and Ipswich City Council. Relevant stakeholders were closely involved throughout the planning processes with both the club and Council agreeing to the end vision.


ROSS Planning Pty Ltd
ABN: 32 508 029 959

11/210 Queensport Road North
Murarrie Qld 4172
PO Box 5660 Manly Qld 4179

Phone: 07 3521 5543

Email: info@rossplanning.com.au




AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008
Registration No: 048